
onsdag 23 december 2015

Nigeriabrev via linkedin

Det kommer väl inte som någon jätteöverraskning, men nu kommer det Nigeriabrev via linkedin.

Det man gör är att ha en mkt seriös profil från ngn form av headhunter som söker kontakt med dig och sedan ber dig kontakta denne maa ett erbjudande. Vi är väl alla lite småintresserade av nya skoja jobbmöjligheter så många nappar nog. Men jag vette fan om det är rätt målgrupp för denna typ av bedrägeri.

 Emailadressen är troligen ngn form av Gmail och inte det företag som det ser ut att vara på profilen.

Efter ett tag kommer ett erbjudande du inte kan motstå. Jag misstänkte att det var ngt lurt, men var tvungen att efterforska det hela och mkt riktigt. Detta fantastiska erbjudande fick jag. Jag skickade ett svar med ett moterbjudande som involverade inlagda tomater, vi får se om de nappar.

Thank you for replying to my email request.I know this will come as a surprise, I am sorry to invade your privacy in this manner. Please do accept my sincere apologies if my mail does not meet your personal ethics.

I am contacting you in order to ask for your assistance on this confidential business proposal with full financial benefit for both of us. Before I go into further details, please be informed that I am writing without any other person(s) knowledge of my contacting you on this transaction. Therefore I will appreciate same attitude to be maintained by you all through.Kindly send me a contact number to reach you on so we can discuss further on how to proceed.

I am Graham Picken a Independent Non-Executive Director and Chairman with HAMPSHIRE TRUST BANK in the United Kingdom. I am contacting you concerning an abandoned sum of $22,500,000.00 USD. In June 2008,a client called Robert Banks a foreign contractor with Royal Dutch Plc came to our bank for business discussions and investment.I got to know this when I joined them and was going through their records.After he made the deposit and did not furnish us with all necessary documents as proof of funds he went incommunicado. My bank (HAMPSHIRE TRUST BANK) sent several notice to him without response and unfortunately we confirmed my client died in a car crash along with his nuclear family in France while on a sabbatical leave in the summer of 2008.

He died without leaving a Will and several efforts were made to find his extended family through your embassy without success. Because of the sensitive nature of private banking, most customers don't nominate next of kin in their investment, also usually in most cases leave their WILLS in our care, in this case; our now deceased client died intestate.

It is quite clear now that our dear client died with no identifiable family member. According to practice, the Private banking department will by the end of this year broadcast a request for statement of claim to HAMPSHIRE TRUST BANK, failing to receive viable claims they will probably revert the deposit to the Management of HAMPSHIRE TRUST BANK. This will result the money entering the HAMPSHIRE TRUST BANK accounting system and the portfolio will be out of my hands and out of the private banking division. What bothers me most is that according to the laws of my country at the expiration of seven {7} years the funds will revert to the ownership of the BRITISH Government if nobody applies to claim the funds.

Now, I am prepared to give the necessary details to you as the closest surviving relation of our deceased customer ( Robert Banks). I am also proposing that after a successful execution of the business deal, the funds will be shared in the ratio 40/60. You will get 40% and I will be entitled to 60% as the initiator of the deal. You know that I must have done my home work already before contacting you. Although the project is capital intensive, I know I will be able to pull it through following proper banking and legal Channels with your assistance at your end. I will tidy up the legal aspect with the assistance of an attorney who will prepare all the documents that will be needed to transfer the money from the United Kingdom to your country.His fees will be taken care of by me.

Once more, I ask that if you find no interest in this project with all due respect kindly discard this mail and forget I ever contacted you, I ask that you do not be vindictive and destructive.Do not destroy my career. Opportunities like this only comes once in a lifetime. I am a family man and this is an opportunity for me to give my family the best in life. I would want you to think about this and let me know your decision. If you give me a positive response, I will give you the relevant INFORMATION for the successful transfer of these funds and we both enjoy it in peace. If you give me positive signals, I will initiate this process towards a conclusion. I wish to inform you that you should not contact me via official Channels else I will deny knowing you and about this project. You can also check on my biography from this link as well

If you wish you can also call our official line 44 (0)020 7862 6200 but do not talk about this transaction or I may deny knowing you, when you call ask of me and if I am on seat your call will be transferred to me, what I will want you to do is to cut the call before I talk because my official lines are not secure means to reach me bearing in mind the nature of this transaction, because they are periodically monitored to access our level of customer care in line with our Total Quality Management. I will await your response.If needed I will provide you with my direct mobile number.


3 kommentarer:

  1. Jag hoppas verkligen att folk inte är så lättlurade att de tror på sånt. Bara efter första meningen så ser man att det är något skumt...

  2. Om någon blir lurad så hamnar ju pengarna på ett ställe de kommer göra större nytta - eller....

  3. Här blinkar alla varningslampor givetvis. Rätt ointressant att pilla i scammen, däremot vore det intressant med profilering av dem som går på sånt här. Nigerianerna skrattar ju gott åt vitingarna som är så dumma i huvudet att de går på detta (jag menar att det finns en komponent av äkta hat mot västerlänningar med i bilden, även om det givetvis först och främst handlar om the benjamins).

    På rak arm kan ju nämnas en högt uppsatt C-politiker i norra Sverige och Antroposoferna i Järna, båda skattepengdiare som tydligen ville ha mer..
